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Vieux 17/12/2002, 00h34
CL_Staff CL_Staff est déconnecté
Registered User
Date d'inscription: December 2002
Messages: 1
CL_Staff est sur la route de la distinction
Champions League

Hello there
We would like to invite You all in a newly developed league that is bound to offer You a great challenge and loads of fun.
Through the ages Champions League is here!
Currently we introduce two of the most famous rts games: AoC and AoM
The first 16 clans that sign up for for AoC and 32 for AoM will be accepted and will be divided into groups
We can however accept almost all in a way that might please all that like a challenge.
You can find more details by visiting the Champions League site www.age-league.com
We sincerely hope that You are going to be interested and apply.
We are waiting for all of You people that want to have fun in a competitive environment to sign up and join the fun

The Council of the Age Champions League

www.age-league.com mailto: council@age-league.com
mailto: council@age-league.com
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