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Vieux 24/02/2003, 14h11
FOPT_Strawberry FOPT_Strawberry est déconnecté
Registered User
Date d'inscription: February 2003
Messages: 1
FOPT_Strawberry est sur la route de la distinction
RTS-League: AoC-Signups + Banner Contest!


Some News from www.rts-league.com, the leading international Clan-League for Age of Kings: The Conquerors and Age of Mythology:

While moving to our new and super-fast server we decided to do a re-design for the website. First and foremost we need a new banner so we are hereby calling all graphical talents to the arms (pencils).

Join the official "RTS-League Banner Contest" for the chance to win US $50 in cash or (alternatively) a full version of the upcoming strategy-hit "Rise of Nations" by Big Huge Games and Microsoft.

The prize will be given to the banner that is being selected by the League Staff Team to appear on our mainpage. Additionally the creator will have his name placed on our site.

Submissions will be accepted from Monday, February 24th to Sunday, March 9th 2003.

For more info check www.rts-league.com!

Further more the Signups for the new, sixth season in Age of Kings: The Conquerors have just been opened (details on the website).

Are you ready to face the best AoC-Clans from all over world? www.rts-league.com is the place to go!


Member of League Staff
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