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Vieux 11/07/2002, 13h50
Baobhan Sith Baobhan Sith est déconnecté
ex-femme du YoG
Date d'inscription: April 2002
Localisation: dans le slip du YoG (qui est lui-m?me dans celui de Xleu..)
Messages: 31
Baobhan Sith est sur la route de la distinction

C yog, pas le temps de me reconecter, je voulais vous montrer ?a :

"Congratulations, you are one of the lucky 10,000 gamers invited to participate in Ensemble's online multiplayer test of Age of Mythology. This alpha version of Age of Mythology will contain two of the nine civilizations that will be available when the game is released this October. Up to four players will be able to compete head-to-head as a follower of either Zeus or Poseidon on one of two multiplayer maps.

We will begin shipping the Age of Mythology alphas to all winners at the end of July. We will be sending follow-up emails with more details, so please stay tuned.

Again, both Ensemble Studios and Microsoft Game Studios would like to congratulate you. Best of luck in your online battles to come and thanks for helping us ship a great game.

Best regards,
Ensemble Studios & Microsoft Game Studios"

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